Parks & Recreation Gyms
Altus, OK

These two gymnasiums at the Community Center in Altus, OK had installed a competitive vinyl flooring product just four years ago, but were already showing significant wear and tear. Damage from moisture and improper installation techniques was found during tear out, so the team from Vector Concepts remediated the moisture with Gerflor’s Dry-Tex system (providing protection up to 100% RH), and installed these vibrant new floors with Taraflex® Sport M Plus Dry-Tex performance flooring.

Taraflex® Sport M Plus Dry-Tex

6350 Light Cherry

Taraflex® Sport M Plus Dry-Tex

Parks & Recreation Gyms

Altus, OK

Taraflex® Sport M Plus Dry-Tex

6350 Light Cherry
6375 Oak

12,362 SF

Proudly Installed by
Vector Concepts
December 2021

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